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Population Health

Western Public Health Unit Population and Preventive Health Network

The Western Public Health Unit (WPHU) Population and Preventive Health Network (the network) is our governance structure to deliver on the Catchment Plan in close partnership with our stakeholders. 

The network is composed of a Population and Preventive Health Reference Committee (PPHRC) and Action Groups to serve complementary functions. Following an expression of interest process, 20 senior committee members were appointed, representing all key partners in the WPHU catchment. This includes community health, local councils, health services, Aboriginal Controlled Health Services, GenWest, North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network as well as representation from community. The PPHRC provides strategic input into WPHU activities and direction in line with current and future catchment plans. 

Action Groups

To accelerate progress on the Catchment Plan, three Action Groups have been established within the network. The groups are open to all catchment stakeholders and are dedicated to the three initial health priorities. 

Each Action Group provides a dedicated collaboration space to share insights and evidence-based initiatives, co-design interventions and boost collective action across the catchment, focusing on each of the three health priorities. These groups identify opportunities for advocacy and consistent approaches, minimise duplication, and work towards systems change. 

If you are interested in joining any of the Action Groups or would like to be kept up to date overall, please email for the attention of the Population Health Promotion team.

More information on Action Groups

ACT-WEST Action Group

The Western Public Health Unit Action for Climate Transformation in the West Group (ACT-WEST) aims to address the impacts of climate change on the health and wellbeing of communities in Melbourne’s central and western suburbs.

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FEaST Action Group

The Western Public Health Unit Catchment Food and Healthier Eating Action on Systems Action Group (FEaST) aims to enable people to access and enjoy healthier eating and drinking by working across food systems.

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V-TAG Action Group

The Western Public Health Unit Catchment Vaping and Tobacco Action Group (V-TAG) aims to prevent and de-normalise the use of e-cigarettes and reduce vaping and tobacco related harm in Melbourne’s central and western suburbs.

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